First Appointment
When a new or returning patient calls for an appointment, they are given multiple options of appointments depending on the urgency of the problem.
Rashes, changes in moles or other skin lesions, blistering or anything causing pain are generally worked into our schedule to be evaluated within 24-48 hours. In addition, we work exceptionally hard to accommodate a patient’s request for days or time of appointment.
Once an appointment time is scheduled, the staff of our office collect the patient’s demographic information along with their current insurance information. The patient is then directed to our website to print off the paperwork that they will need for their appointment or a packet is mailed to the patient with a welcome letter, directions and appropriate paperwork to be completed prior to appointment.
A patient’s insurance is verified prior to appointment so the patient can be notified if a referral is needed, if our office is out of network, or if there is any other problem of which they need to be aware. In addition, unmet deductibles and copays are also verified as it is office policy to collect payment for these items at the time of service.
When patient arrives for their appointment, they are greeted at our check-in by our pleasant staff. They are asked for their insurance card and picture ID to protect their identity. They are given the privacy notice and email option to sign. They are asked to have a seat and the nursing staff will be with them shortly. All data is entered into the computer promptly, the patient chart is constructed and the back office staff is notified that the patient is ready. Patients are generally taken to exam room by nursing staff within five to ten minutes.
Once the patient is escorted to the exam room, the medical assistant will take the history and ask concerns and reasons for the visit. Next, the physician or physician’s assistant will come in to assess and diagnose the problem.
Most procedures that would be required, i.e. suspicious spots needing a biopsy, mole removals, freezing of warts, etc. will be done in the office the day of your appointment. Some procedures require a larger time slot, but we do as much as we can for patients at the time of your appointment. Both verbal and written education on each diagnosis, procedure and care instructions will be given before leaving the office.
The patients are then escorted to the checkout desk to schedule their next appointment and pay any copays or deductibles that are due at the time of service.