XTRAC Phototherapy
XTRAC is one of the best solutions to psoriasis, vitiligo, or atopic dermatitis and patients who have received it have gone to show greater than ninety-five percent clearance with 10 in-office visits. XTRAC is an FDA-cleared excimer laser, painless, and has little to no side effects. XTRAC Phototherapy is used to treat more than just localized areas of psoriasis and vitiligo; however, it does a great job at that too. Since XTRAC is an excimer laser, it allows the physician to pinpoint only areas where psoriasis is present and not where only healthy tissue can be exposed. XTRAC has also been shown to treat generalized psoriasis, “generalized” meaning greater than or equal to ten percent body coverage. The XTRAC laser has one of the highest UV power deliveries of any medical excimer laser on the market for the treatment of psoriasis and vitiligo and has the ability to deliver those high-power UV rays that result in faster treatment of large surface areas.