Our Blog
Most Common Pigmentation Disorders
May 21, 2019
Uneven, pigmented skin can can affect anyone at any time in their life — from a birthmark you’re born with to discoloration from sun-spots from overexposure over time. Uneven skin can also present as a more serious disorder that is …[Read More]
Filed under: Skin Conditions
Best Treatments for Aging Skin
May 7, 2019
Are you starting to see some of the telltale signs of aging skin? Fine lines and wrinkles can make you look older and keep you from feeling your best. It’s important to choose an experienced skincare provider for your cosmetic …[Read More]
Filed under: Skin Care
3 Degrees of Burns: How to Treat Them
April 23, 2019
Skin burns are a common household occurrence and can range from mild, which can be treated at home with over-the-counter remedies, to severe that require immediate medical attention. It’s important to know how to identify the degree of the burn …[Read More]
What is that on Your Skin? Common Skin Growths
April 9, 2019
There are a variety of benign skin growths that can pop up on your skin at any time in life. It’s important to visit a dermatologist if you notice any unusual growth to properly diagnose the condition and make sure …[Read More]
Filed under: Skin Conditions
Rough Bumps on Your Arms? It Could be Keratosis Pilaris
March 26, 2019
Keratosis Pilaris is a very common, but thankfully harmless, skin condition that causes small, hard bumps on the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, and sometimes jawline or cheeks. It’s caused when keratin, a protein that helps protect our skin from damage …[Read More]
Filed under: Skin Care, Uncategorized
What Does Your Birthmark Say About You?
March 19, 2019
More than likely you have a birthmark, and everyone you know has one too. Birthmarks come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and even the locations can vary. Most birthmarks are visible right at birth, but some can show up soon …[Read More]
Filed under: Birthmarks