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Seborrheic Dermatitis – Causes and Symptoms
March 12, 2019
Are you dealing with dry, scaly patches of skin on your scalp and face? Are you noticing extra redness? Usually when we see these symptoms, we chalk it up to seasonal dryness, but it could actually be a condition called …[Read More]
Filed under: Skin Conditions
Skin Injury – How do wounds heal?
February 26, 2019
Often times when we get a skin injury, we simply put a band-aid on and go about our day. What we don’t realize, or pay attention to, is the complex series of events that our bodies are going through to …[Read More]
Calluses and Corns – What You Should Know
February 19, 2019
Our feet are our main mode of transportation; when they hurt, we hurt. Corns and calluses are a common condition that tends to affect women more than men. Both corns and calluses are hard areas of skin that develop as …[Read More]
Filed under: Calluses
Scalp Psoriasis or Dandruff
February 12, 2019
Dry, itchy scalp can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. If you are experiencing an uncomfortable itch on your scalp, you may either have scalp psoriasis or dandruff, two very different conditions with similar symptoms.
Dandruff, also known as seborrhea, …[Read More]
3 Over-the-Counter Eczema Treatments
February 5, 2019
Eczema can be very frustrating and annoying, maybe even embarrassing depending on the severity of your condition. There are many remedies that can help you with the symptoms of eczema and even some over-the-counter treatments! Some of the over-the-counter medications …[Read More]
Filed under: Eczema
How Can You Treat Dyshidrotic Eczema?
January 29, 2019
Dyshidrotic eczema is a skin condition where small blisters appear on your extremities. The small, fluid filled blisters are painful and very itchy. These blisters appear on the palms, fingers, and bottoms of feet and they set off an …[Read More]
Filed under: Eczema