CIGNA members: Please note that you may receive a letter in the mail stating that The Dermatology Center of Indiana is no longer in your network. This communication from CIGNA is incorrect and we would like to reassure you that we are still in network with CIGNA. We look forward to continuing to service you and your family for all your dermatology needs.

Dr. Guenthner – Why I Became a Dermatologist

Want to get to know your dermatologist more? Read on for this exclusive interview with Dr. Guenthner.

When did you choose dermatology over other practices of medicine?

There was no major event that made me decide to do dermatology but during my third year medical school rotations at the University of Iowa, we had an opportunity to do a two-week dermatology rotation. I really liked the ability to see children all the way to adults up to and over 100 years old! The combination of clinical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology was very appealing to me.

What is a challenge that dermatologists are facing right now?

One of the major challenges that dermatologists and all physicians are facing are the continued challenges of the Affordable Care Act and over regulation of the medical field.

Was there a time when you were in school and/or began your practice that you wanted to give up and switch to something else? What kept you going?

There was never really a time I wanted to give up. From a young age, I was always one that wanted to set a goal and achieve that goal.   It was always fairly easy for me to continue to press forward despite challenges.

What patient encounters are particularly satisfying to you professionally?

There are a large number of patient encounters that are very satisfying to me. In particular, making an early diagnosis of melanoma or helping a young child or patient with severe eczema or psoriasis through the use of incredibly advanced medicines such as biologic agents is always refreshing. In addition, having the opportunity to enroll patients in clinical trials that are on the cutting edge of dermatologic medicine and seeing them improve and literally, changing their lives is always exciting.

What gets you excited about going to the office each day?

Just knowing that I’m making a difference in a large variety of patients’ lives’.

Are there upcoming events or research in the field that make you excited?

In particular, I am excited about the upcoming biologic agents for psoriasis and eczema. These revolutionary medicines are so good that many people will feel “cured” from their diseases.

Do you have someone in the field that you aspire to be like?

I have always been one to look up to my mentors. Three of them in particular, I feel like I owe a huge debt of gratitude and want to aspire to lead and take care of patients like they have always done and did during my training.  Dr. Steve Wolverton and Dr. Charles Lewis at Indiana University and the late Dr. John Strauss at the University of Iowa.

Why did you choose to have you practice at your current location?

The reason I decided to practice in Plainfield and subsequently at a second location in Zionsville is that there was a clear need for dermatologic services in these underserved areas.   Now that we have filled that need, we are the premier dermatology provider not only for these local areas but the entire Western half of the state of Indiana and into Eastern Illinois.

Disclaim: This blog pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion and dis­cus­sion about medical, cosmetic, mohs, and surgical dermatology. The words and other con­tent pro­vided in this blog, and in any linked mate­ri­als, are not intended and should not be con­strued as med­ical advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should con­sult with an appropriately-licensed dermatologist or other health care worker.

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