CIGNA members: Please note that you may receive a letter in the mail stating that The Dermatology Center of Indiana is no longer in your network. This communication from CIGNA is incorrect and we would like to reassure you that we are still in network with CIGNA. We look forward to continuing to service you and your family for all your dermatology needs.

Our Blog

Valentines Day: Cold Sores 101 and Remedies
February 8, 2020

cold sore

With Valentine’s Day approaching, cold sores can be a source of anxiety and frustration. Since they generally form on or around the lips, they can be painful and unsightly. Not to mention, they’re highly contagious. Thankfully, …[Read More]

Filed under: Cold Sores

Winter skin: Remedies for dry skin
January 21, 2020

While summer brings sunburns and spring brings itchiness from allergies, the cold winter months cause a different kind of irritation: dry, flaky, red, and itchy skin. Humidity levels drop along with the temperature, making it more difficult for the skin …[Read More]

Filed under: Dry Skin, Skin Care

Winter skin: How to relieve those pesky rashes
January 10, 2020

As the temperatures drop, your skin is at a larger risk for developing certain conditions. We tend to take longer, hotter showers in the winter, and the air is drier both inside and outside. These conditions strip the skin of …[Read More]

Filed under: Dry Skin, Rash, Skin Care

Avoiding Skin Infections at the Gym
December 17, 2019

The beginning of every year brings a great opportunity to set new goals for positive growth. Many people make a resolution to exercise more regularly, and in the winter months, that often entails more hours spent at the gym. While …[Read More]

Filed under: Athlete's Foot, Skin Care, Skin Conditions

How to stop biting your nails
December 3, 2019

January 1st marks a great opportunity to step back and set goals for yourself for the year. While many people make a plan to set new habits, such as eating healthier or exercising more regularly, the new year can also …[Read More]

Filed under: Nail Biting

Skincare and shaving tips
November 26, 2019

The American Academy of Dermatology designated November as US National Healthy Skin Month, which is a time to raise awareness about the importance of keeping skin fresh, hydrated and healthy. It’s also a great opportunity to look at ways to …[Read More]

Filed under: Shaving, Skin Care