Our Blog
Juvederm: Best Lip, Cheek & Wrinkle Filler
January 16, 2018
How many years have you made New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, only to lose your motivation before the first thaw of spring? Making changes to better yourself takes time and it can be frustrating to put in a lot of work …[Read More]
Filed under: Botox, Lip Injection
Which Treatment For Which Wrinkle (Basics of Botox vs Filler)
January 9, 2018
Have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered, “Who is that stranger staring back at me?” Time is a great thief and it can be quite unnerving to watch your face change as you age. Maybe the crinkles that form around your eyes whenever …[Read More]
Filed under: Botox
Does Botox Hurt?
January 8, 2018
Many people are squeamish around needles and rightfully so! Watching a sharp medical tool penetrate your skin is alarming and has the ability to make even the toughest person feel a bit woozy.
A fear of needles and a general fear of pain …[Read More]
Filed under: Botox
What Ingredients Should Be in Your Lotions?
December 26, 2017
Winter’s coming and that means soon it will be the season of dry, itchy skin. The winter elements can be harsh on your skin, but there is hope to having a comfortable holiday season!
The first step in healing or preventing dry, itchy …[Read More]
Filed under: Skin Care, Skin Conditions
Kybella: Double Chin Reduction Treatment
December 19, 2017
Do you avoid having your profile photographed at all costs? Do you insist on holding the camera higher than eye level to give the illusion of a thinner jaw line? If you’re one of the millions of men and women suffering from …[Read More]
Filed under: Double Chin
Male Aesthetics
December 15, 2017
If you take a quick survey of the magazines by the grocery store checkout, you’ll probably notice an overwhelming selection of women’s magazines geared towards beauty and fashion. Most commercials on television are also targeted towards women, telling them to buy the latest lipstick or …[Read More]
Filed under: Dermatology