CIGNA members: Please note that you may receive a letter in the mail stating that The Dermatology Center of Indiana is no longer in your network. This communication from CIGNA is incorrect and we would like to reassure you that we are still in network with CIGNA. We look forward to continuing to service you and your family for all your dermatology needs.

Blue Light Acne Treatment
October 24, 2017

Acne is the term for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples, and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules) that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. Acne affects most teenagers to some …[Read More]

Filed under: Acne

Why Choose A Mohs Surgeon
October 13, 2017

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, over 5.4 million cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer are treated in more than 3.3 million people across the United States each year. The organization also reports report that more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined …[Read More]

Filed under: Mohs Surgery

Why Patients Choose To See A Mohs Surgeon
October 3, 2017

When it comes to healthcare, patients have many options. Most cities have several practices, clinics, and even hospitals to choose from. So when it comes to your own individual healthcare needs, how do you choose?

Skin cancer requires delicate treatment, particularly for patients who develop cancerous …[Read More]

Filed under: Mohs Surgery

5 Facts About Lip Injections
September 19, 2017

Thanks to celebrities like Kylie Jenner, our society is obsessed with having big lips. Viewed as sexy and seductive, women of all ages are scheduling appointments with dermatologists for lip enhancement procedures. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over …[Read More]

Filed under: Lip Injection